Language Lesson Integration
Good thing, we have lots of resources around about making the world a better place to live in. Inclusivity mantra. Yes, if we want peaceful world, all-- no exceptions -- must have their safe spaces, and nary an issue about their uniqueness be used against them, by those bullies around. Ignorance is rampant. Even those who are so-called in the position of power. Sad thing , lots have already suffered from their excesses. Lots have been victims of their greed, mal-education and the like. Good riddance to those who have gone, bring with you your prejudices and narrow-mindedness. Sustainable Development Goals are great ways toward making this world livable to all beings, not just the majority who thinks they are privileged to be condescending, favored and can always get off the hook of their wrongdoings. As conscientious person, this must be things to reflect on. Why are there people who are selfish, hateful and greedy; yet, pretending to be good, and kind and sane? So as to help glo...